How internet works
How Internet works What is Internet? Internet is a network that is in thousands of computers around the world. This is connected by wides, conecctions, routers and more things. How it works When you connect to internet a IP address appear (The IP address is like a ''registration'', but when you dissconect internet, the IP dissapears, the router provides us the IP address and it's a physical way to connect us to internet .But there's another registration called MAC that is like the same but it doesn't dissapear when yoyu disconnetc internet, normally is physical). Then, when we want to display a website, sometimes the page is writte in a lenguage called HTML, that is a language used to write in the blogs and the most of the webpages on internet, and it's hosted on a computer called server (A server is a computer program that can manage the access to a service in a network). When w...